It’s lovely here at All About Tires (and Batteries) in Little Rock, Arkansas, where the employees are friendly, the restrooms are clean and the Traipsathon Mobile Command Center sits in Bay No. 1, incapacitated.
Having taken possession of the TMCC only 3 days ago, we followed company policy and commenced to drive as far as possible immediately. The itnerary was to include a top-secret visit to Brooklyn and a haul-ass return to Texas, all in a week. This was a foolish, empty dream. Coming into Little Rock, the air conditioner turned into Satan’s hair dryer, an incident so horrific that even I realized I should pull over, which I did. Then, like my hopes and aspirations, everything died.
Couldn’t restart the van or even roll down the windows. Had no choice but to leave the vehicle overnight in the Wal Mart parking lot, check into the Economy Inn and get her towed to a repair shop this morning. We believe the problem to be a faulty battery, but enough other things went haywire that we are not confident. Rather than risk future disasters, we are calling off the test drive and returning to base.
In the meantime, I am pleased to report that it is possible to survive for 24 hours on Snickers, cigars and Dr. Pepper.